Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Christ has e-mails
JesusVSGod Stripcreator Newbie
Member Rated:
Just look at my comics gosh darnit.
---What would I do?
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
not_Scyess not laughing with you
Funny theme, and the funny is there, but the jokes aren't executed with enough precision.
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
*puts up 2 more comics*
jools Senior Comic Technician
Well, made me laugh.
---Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.
Getting better. The jokes are coming through now. This one was a riot:
LordVido Junior Comic Technician
a hahahahahahahahaha freakin funny!!!!!
My fav is:
---not_Scyess ate my Sig.
Dude that last comic is for humour right? you're not stopping your shit. I thought your stuff was hilarious.
yup, for humour... but #13 will have around 5 parts in which jesus tries to get his show back, it's a gimmick , yo.
Kevin_Keegans_Perm Bean There, Done That
10 was good , but a 1 in 12 strike rate has "Boinky33" written all over it.
That said , i havent been funny in my last 184 , but at least im still ahead of Andy in that respect.
---"Life Sucks, Then you Die. The bit inbetween isnt very funny either"
jes_lawson I don't know what I'm doing either
You should see Kajun these days...
--- Please replace the handset, and try again.
punkrockskaboy Defender of the Liquor Cabinet
THESE days?
---Welcome to Bohemia. Population: a lot Cash flow: a little
Point taken.
KajunFirefly chooby digital (in stereo)
---Dad was flammable
Hay is for horses.
And mules.
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