Since you insisted... I read a few of your comics. On the whole, I found they didn't make much sense and didn't make me laugh. The one you posted above is the best one I've seen. Kind of humorous, but not hysterical.
I think you spend too much time telling a story and not enough time working on your timing and punchlines. Also, it looks like you're mainly writing about people you know on That's fine, maybe they like your comic better than I do, maybe they find it funny for reasons that escape me, or maybe they're not supposed to find it funny. If that's the case, it doesn't really matter what I think. You know who your audience is.
As a writer, I don't think you're hopeless, but it seems to me that most of your strips to date lack comedic value for a general audience, possibly because you're not focusing on putting it in there. Keep working on it.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!