I read your comics because you said *insert clever ruse*, etc., rather than actually trying some supposedly clever ruse, such as telling us that your comics suck, or telling us that they're great, or pretending to threaten us if we don't read them, like everyone else does. Thank you for that.
It turns out that at present you only have one comic. As a rule, I don't like ongoing series, I don't like comics that exist only to introduce something, I don't like comics where the characters break the fourth wall, I don't like comics that stretch the panel background needlessly, and I don't like comics with no real punchline. So, I don't like your comic. But I do encourage you to make some more comics and show them off. If they deliver on your promise to be "funny and original", there's a good chance I'll like them.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!