I submit for your viewing pleasure this
And I pose the question: Do any of you actually believe this? I received this URL along with a ridiculously long petition being put together to stop this madman from his animal mistreatment.
Someone came up with a silly idea and bought a domain. He wrote some cute text and took some pics of his kittens jammed into some little glass jars. Now he has thousands of twits up in arms.
These are the same people that were the first to shoot themselves when Orson Welles broadcast 'War of the Worlds', just so that the martians wouldn't get them.
I checked and bonsaidog.com is still available. If I can shove all of Murphy's 90lbs into a glass container without getting an arm torn off in the process, I can piss off stupid people too!
100 pounds of shit in a 25 pound sack.