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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Another series: "Purgatory Theatre"



Member - Tobor Fan Club

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Well, I've had quite the burst of creativity recently...

Here's the beginning of a serial comic I have come up with. I forsee this one becoming quite long, so i shall post what I have done now, and call it a night. There'll probably be some more added to this thread tomorrow, whether you like it or not...

Prologue: A routine check-up by DMSO
Well Red, I've completed your check up, and you seem to be in excellent condition. You should function perfectly for at least another century.
That's wonderful news, Dr. Engineer.
Well, goodbye th- Oh dear, I seem to have missed a loose nut...let me tighten that for you...
Thank you, Dr. Engineer.
There we go, all done - oh, I...

Prologue: All good robots go...somewhere by DMSO
Where am I? What's happened to me?
Wait... I...remember...I exploded! I must be dead, and this is the afterlife!
But how can I be here? I never knew we robots had souls...
If I'd known I had a soul I might have tried to find salvation for it
...and maybe done a little less sinning...

Prologue: Light at the end of the tunnel by DMSO
Hey, what's that?
There's some kind of light at the end of this tunnel...

Prologue: Light at the end of the tunnel 2 by DMSO
Whatever it is, I'm being drawn towards it. There must be more to this afterlife after all!
Paradise, here I come!

Prologue: Light at the end of the tunnel 3 by DMSO
Do I smell brimstone?

[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 2']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 3']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory theatre 4']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 5']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 6']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 7']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 8']

Absorbed directly through the skin.

4-18-03 10:43pm (new)
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Member Rated:

I like it.

Batman created by Bob Kane

4-18-03 11:09pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

Existential humor. Sartre would be rolling in the aisles.

I like it. Keep going.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

4-18-03 11:24pm (new)
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Senior Comic Technician

Member Rated:

This just reaffirms why I have you my favourites. Brilliant.

Jesus saves, but everyone else in a 10 foot radius takes full damage from the fireball.

4-19-03 5:19am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Here's the next bunch of instalments. The story is going somewhere, I promise.

Purgatory Theatre 9 by DMSO
I have a question...
Shut up, tinhead. You want to know anything, ask me. Don't call unnecessary attention to yourself.

Purgatory Theatre 10 by DMSO
What the Hell is your problem, you fowl creature? You seem to think you know everything -
I know a damn sight more than you do, metal man. Now ask me a question before I change my mind.
Ok, tell me what the deal is with this Purgatory place; how long do we have to wait here? I want to get to Heaven...
What? What's so funny, you dirt-scratching avian?
For starters, you're going to be stuck here for a while. The queues for viewing are enormous. Do you realise just how many dead people there are?

Purgatory Theatre 11 by DMSO
You said 'for starters'...What else is there?
This is the really sick part; you wait for god knows how long, watching shitty life after shitty life, and when you finally get judged...
It's the same - all that changes is that in Heaven you only watch the lives already judged as good, and in Hell its the bad ones on the bill. For the rest of eternity.
I don't know why they bother with that "first and second stage afterlife" bullshit. Hell is all there's been for centuries, one way or another.

Purgatory Theatre 12 by DMSO
How do you know all this? You're just a chicken!
Just a chicken? JUST a chicken?!
I mean...I didn't think chickens were that theologically sophisticated...
I'll have you know that I am no ordinary chicken! I come from a clan of chickens that has been charged with the custody of -
What the hell is that behind you?

Purgatory Theatre 13 by DMSO
Hey! I can feel myself being pulled away again!
I can't believe it! You've just been having the longest near death experience I've ever heard of!

[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 14']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 15']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 16']

Absorbed directly through the skin.

4-19-03 11:34pm (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

This series fills me with fear at the thought that you might be right.

That said, I'm still enjoying it quite a bit. More!

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

4-20-03 7:11pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Here's the next chapter...

Purgatory Theatre 17 by DMSO
Back on this mortal coil - Laboratory of Dr. Engineer
There! He's all in one piece again. I'll just reactivate him and see if everything's in order...*Pushes 'on' switch*
How are you feeling, Red?
I've got to follow the chickens!
Close enough.

Purgatory Theatre 18 by DMSO
I'm terribly sorry about that little accident Red.
It's alright Doctor, I had the most incredible experience!
You exploded, Red. I wouldn't have thought there could be a great deal to it.
No, after that. It was, all dark, but then there was a light at the end of the tunnel...
...and I followed it, and found myself queing to get into this cinema....

Purgatory Theatre 19 by DMSO
...And there was an angel and a demon...and a chicken that told me what was going on...
..and...and robots have souls too! I have to spread the word! Thank you, Doctor, thank you so much!
Looks like I didn't need to remove his litigation chip after all...

Purgatory Theatre 20 by DMSO
The Working Robots' Club (W.R.C.)
...So the W.R.C. will officially go on record as being against mandatory oil-testing in the workplace. Now, is there any other business?
Yes! I have news of tremendous importance to all of robot-kind!

Purgatory Theatre 21 by DMSO
Very well Red, please come to the front.
Thank you, Clango. Trust me, you'll want to here this.

[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 22']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 23']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 24']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 25']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 26']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 27']

Absorbed directly through the skin.

4-20-03 10:01pm (new)
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Pink Donkey Wrangler

Member Rated:

Very interesting and I like very much.

Even Bob Hope is more punk than me.

4-22-03 3:47pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

After a long period of lurking in a dank, lightless corner of RMDC, this thread has been brought back to the surface.

Et voila, the next few strips in the series seem to have magically appeared...

Purgatory Theatre 28 by DMSO
I'm glad you believe me ZX-56, but we've got a tough job ahead of us. There are a lot of chickens in the world...
*beep* Forgive Unit ZX-56, but we might be wise to begin our search in other places...
...My databanks indicate that the hu-man masters often seek answers in churches...
...Or with vendors of intoxicating beverages *beep*

Purgatory Theatre 29 by DMSO
You make a good point ZX-56, but there are so many denominations. How do we know which one has the truth?
*beep* That is a valid query ... let us consult our databanks for the statistically most credible group... *beep*
Anyone but the Catholics.
*beep* Anyone but the Catholics *beep*

Purgatory Theatre 30 by DMSO
St. Mary's Church (C of E)
Father, I believe you help people find answers...
Well, that does depend on the question, my son.
I'm looking for God, but I need some clues.
A noble quest indeed! Well my son, I can promise you that if you have faith, you will find Him.
I was reather hoping you could draw me a map...

Purgatory Theatre 31 by DMSO
So, you're saying that if I find some "faith", I should be able to use it to locate God?
Well... yes, my son. Faith is all it ever takes.
Well, I say "that's all it takes", but true faith is rare enough in today's world...
...sometimes I wonder if it is Our Father himself who has lost faith...

Purgatory Theatre 32 by DMSO
Tell me Father, what happens to the faithless?
Well according to some they are sent to Dis, one of the circles of Hell...
...within whose iron walls they will spend an eternity of despair and misery, watched over by the three infernal Furies...
...terrible blood-stained creatures with the limbs of human women and nests of terrible serpents for their hair, who revel in the endless suffering of the damned...
That's pretty heavy.
Of course, being Church of England my own beliefs are far more spineless and lacklustre.

More to follow in less than five months.

Absorbed directly through the skin.

9-18-03 2:28pm (new)
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Do geese see God?

Member Rated:

It's funny because it's true. Yay this series!

Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive. And don't ever apologize for anything. - Harry S Truman, 33rd president of US (1884 - 1972)

9-19-03 2:43am (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

As promised, less than five months have elapsed:

Purgatory Theatre 33 by DMSO
...And so the priest got me thinking; maybe God himself is lost somewhere Hell!
*beep* Even if that were true Red Robot, how would we get there? *beep*
I've been pondering that too. We'd need to die to get there, but dying would just take us back to the Queue...
*beep* Perhaps if we did something tremendously bad we would be sent straight to Hell? *beep*
Hey, that's a good plan! Do you suppose they do a "Dummies' Guide" for sinning?
*beep* I believe it is called "The Bible" *beep*

Purgatory Theatre 34 by DMSO
At the library
*beep* I have acquired 1 bible, v.King.James *beep*
Look up "sin" in the index.
*beep* This unit cannot locate an index. Perhaps we must read through the whole thing *beep*
No index? What kind of a book is this, anyway?
*beep* A "good book" supposedly... here, this unit has located some Commandments...*beep*
"Thou shalt not make things easy for impatient robots"?

Purgatory Theatre 35 by DMSO
*beep* This is difficult... we cannot break most of these without violating the Laws of Robotics... *beep*
Why on earth did God make going to Hell so hard?
*beep* Wait..this unit may have a solution... Red Robot is a male-bot, correct? *beep*
Yes, but I don't see how...
*beep* Here: Leviticus 18 *beep*

Purgatory Theatre 36 by DMSO
"...not lie with a man as a woman... an abomination..." Well, I'll be damned.
*beep* That is the desired outcome. Shall we begin? *beep*
Very well... +++Installing homo.drv+++
We draw a veil over that which ensues...

Purgatory Theatre 37 by DMSO
*beep* Stage 1 is complete; our immortal souls should now be damned...*beep*
Then let us kill ourselves and complete the plan!
*beep*This unit forgot to account for the 3rd Law of Robotics when devising this plan...*beep*

[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 38']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 39']

Absorbed directly through the skin.

9-20-03 4:09am (new)
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Riding through your town with his head on fire

Member Rated:

#34 is great.

The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!

9-20-03 5:53pm (new)
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Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

Purgatory Theatre 40 by DMSO

Purgatory Theatre 41 by DMSO

Purgatory Theatre 42 by DMSO
Unit ZX-81, nothings happeni-

Purgatory Theatre 43 by DMSO
Why hast thou summoned me, Robot?

Purgatory Theatre 44 by DMSO
I want to sell my immortal soul!
That is novel, for one of your kind. I have the standard contract here...
Actually, I was hoping to meet with the Devil himself.
Such impudence! Very well, metal one, I shall take you to our Lord Lucifer...
...Though youi may not live to regret it.

[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 45']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 46']
[Click to view comic: 'Purgatory Theatre 47']

Absorbed directly through the skin.

10-06-03 6:36pm (new)
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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Another series: "Purgatory Theatre"

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