Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » COW ADVENTURES!!!
TheBearButt Stripcreator Newbie
From the people who made Dumb Blonde Adventures Crossover With Yoba MDMM comics Brings you this! [Click to view comic: 'Cow Adventures'] [Click to view comic: 'Cow Adventures:END!'] Cows were harmed in the proccess!
---Insult me in your comics,posts,and minds but forever this smirk thall never leave! :> :> :>
MaxPayne Senior Comic Technician
Member Rated:
I knew it was you. No one else could make such bad comics.
--- leggo my dcomposed! ®
Life_Is_Life Junior Comic Technician
Don't blame me that I'm a freak who mock Blondes,catholics,and Indians! Blame the goverment!
not_Scyess not laughing with you
Hey, now, really. Those two comics could've been much worse.
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
Bargaintuan Don't eat any wooden nickels.
---Life is a lot like getting mugged; you get your kicks, you take your punches, and when it's over, someone else gets your cash.
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
Don't give people any ideas.
Hmmmmm.... Cow_Comics? Sounds like a challenge!
I'm lame enouph to do it!
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