Anyone here care what Bargaintuan has to say? anyone? anyone? good. I don't either, LOSER. How about you go and stay in your little groupie club and let my creative genius unleash itself.
oh..and aside from that..I'm sorry I made a mistake as my good friend Judas Priest kindly pointed out.
Judas Priest 08: this better be wurf it
TORITO97: ok
Judas Priest 08: pizza hut ddr?
TORITO97: yea
Judas Priest 08: dude what did I say about reading
TORITO97: huh?
Judas Priest 08: dude. you play DDR. I watch Yu Yu Hakusho. it's as simple as that
Judas Priest 08: you can't do both
Judas Priest 08: not even asians can handle both
TORITO97: haha
yes's true. NOT EVEN asians can handle both. I'm pathetic, I can't believe I didn't think of it...I should just throw in the towel and give up on his whole comic creating crap. oh, my posts are pretty long
And I says to mah ho, I says to her where muh money bitch?