Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Law, Ass, Kick it, Jam,
TheWilliamsDefence Stripcreator Newbie
Hello, So Long, Farewell, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen Goodbye, I'd Like to stay and taste my first champagne.
[Click to view comic: 'Arnold + Palmer = Money'] [Click to view comic: 'Soapy Toes'] [Click to view comic: 'Films Lie'] [Click to view comic: 'A Plan'] [Click to view comic: 'A plan 2'] [Click to view comic: 'Sometimes I See David Trimble (the plan 3)'] [Click to view comic: 'You Look Wonderful 2NITE. (plan 4)']
choadwarrior Crash Magnet
Member Rated:
I enjoyed the attorney-attorney banter more than the attorney-client banter. I manage litigation for a government entity, so those really hit home.
I've never read anything written by a lawyer with your grammar, though.
not_Scyess not laughing with you
Absolutely excellent stuff. Especially:
[Click to view comic: 'Soapy Toes'] [Click to view comic: 'Sometimes I See David Trimble (the plan 3)'] [Click to view comic: 'You Look Wonderful 2NITE. (plan 4)']
---peddling the funny around since 09/24/2002
KajunFirefly chooby digital (in stereo)
Great stuff.
Remember when the RMDC forum used to be full of crap?
---Dad was flammable
boinky33 I'm with stupid ^
Yeah, I posted all the time back then.
Thank you for such kind comments. Here are some more, as you can see I enjoy running things into the ground.
[Click to view comic: 'The World Must End (part 1)'] [Click to view comic: 'The World Must End (part 2)'] [Click to view comic: 'The World Must End (part 3)'] [Click to view comic: 'The World Must End (part 4)']
Even better than the last few comics. More!
I love you now.
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