I like surreal art too, but that's not really relevant here. Calling your art or humor "random" or "abstract" or "surreal" doesn't mean you can just pile a bunch of unrelated phrases or concepts together and expect it to be worth anything.
I like makeesick's comics. I don't really find them funny, exactly, but I like reading them and thinking about them. I don't get anything out of nd4's comics. I just wonder what made him think they were worth saving. To me, calling them "random" or "abstract" sounds like an excuse to get out of doing any actual work on making them worth reading. They are random, but in a way that makes them stupid.
I'm sure that comes off as harsh, but I don't mean to be. Just trying to explain. ND4, you seem like you're capable of constructing a decent comic, but so lazy that you haven't done it yet. Most strippers I would tell to read other people's comics for help, but I'm not sure that would work for you. Just think harder about what you want your comics to say or be. Then write.
Good luck, and welcome to Stripcreator.
The what mentioned above is total fiction. Please don't take it seriously!