Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I know I'm a newbie, but read my damned comics!!!!
FrixFrax F...R..I...
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I know I am not funny yet, I'm kidding my self I'll get better but anyways I want to kill off Dave what do you think.
[Click to view comic: 'There is Something That Has Been Bothering Me...']
[Click to view comic: 'There is Something That Has Been Bothering Me... 2']
---Is it wrong to laugh?
Doug Pink Donkey Wrangler
I don't undertsand you Doug but then again I don't understand my comics.
- I still say the bird flew into the oven
jes_lawson I don't know what I'm doing either
The narration is unnecessary but I liked "I am deaf". "The Sexy Microphone Joke" is definitley the best one.
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