Speaking of your comics...
...they seemed like they should've been funny, but most of them were actually pretty weak. This one was excellent, though:
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| My airconditioned room is too cold in my fully furnished apartment, my T1 connection doesn't make me happy, and I feel like crying. | |
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| Ahh! I can't fucking take it anymore!!! | |
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| The fuck are you complaining about? I'm getting sick of your constant whining. What will it take to get you to shutup already? | |
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| Well... Do you know any hot chick that doesn't have a boyfriend, that's not a lesbian, and isn't tainted by a history of numerous gangbangs? | |
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| Not the kind of chicks I hang with. | |
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Work on smoother delivery in your punchlines. Try to say what you need to in as few words as possible, and avoid rambling on too long after the punchline is complete.
Cool, thanks for the comments. Some of these comics are done when the staff is under the influence of alcohol. The College Life, What You Need to Know, and Duck Poetry was done by me (Louie), the only one who stays sober, and the rest of the comics are done by are alcoholic staff =P