Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » Diablo 2 comic
Vethe Junior Comic Technician
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Um... This is how I seem to die playing diablo 2. lack of concern for life... pure greed. First Comic. O JOY!!
LynneKatrea Stripcreator Newbie
I like it! :) Keep it up!
Matchbook_Romance Going. Coming.
I played D2 and the Expansion Set for a really long time... I stopped about 3 months before the newest patch, how is the game going?
its the same as ever... the new patch is supposed to be better!! waiting for it to come out..
jes_lawson I don't know what I'm doing either
Diabolo 2 is wicked addictive.
Oh. And the strip was OK, as an in-joke ;-|
--- Please replace the handset, and try again.
akirajim The Man Who Punched God
The first comics I made when coming here were Diablo II comics. I soon learned Diablo II comics aren't funny.
---~But now you realize / He's not selling any alibis~
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