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Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I would appreciate it if you read my comic



Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

I've posted a couple things here before, but this is my first request for readers and feedback. I have a lot of typos and the comics are more geared towards people who know me and my friends. Not to mention a few of my comics just plain aren't funny, but overall I like my comics, and most of my friends say they like them...

8-18-03 6:38pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

They are verbose. They give almost an inkling of insight into your life and that of your family. But I liked them, despite.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-18-03 6:55pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Alright, choadwarrior doesn't seem all to happy about people not posting the comic, and I think mine was the last straw. So althought I would suggest reading from the beggining, I will post my personal favorite as a sampler. as I said, it is geared towards people who know my freinds.
You wonder WHY Mikey's braindead? by fzh
MIKEY! We got a letter from the school about something! Probably something you did wrong, You're on restirction for another decade! Now go to your jail cell young man!
This says that the parking spaces in the school parking lot were widened.
Oh Well, as long as I'm here I can do something involving my imagination....
Three Weeks later....

verbose? yes, I have been know to use alot of words when typing...

8-18-03 7:01pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

I don't know what I'm doing either

Member Rated:

If I were you I wouldn't ask the rest of the forum what you think of your comics, I'd just ask your target audience - your friends and those people who know you - they are the important people. Forget about anyone else.

Please replace the handset, and try again.

8-18-03 7:08pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Member - Tobor Fan Club

Member Rated:

I do not know your friends, but that was a funny strip. The first panel was the best part.

"I shall now explain to each and every one of you why I am your genetic superior, using only your first name as evidence." -- Something Positive

8-18-03 10:37pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

As a bump:
A Two Party Election by fzh
Vote Republican, Democrats Suck.
Nu UNNN Republicans suck. Vote Democrat.
Anyway, I'm much better than this sumbag, Wanna see me trying to brainwash kids in their schools?
Who are you calling a scumbag, You commited a crime that never really happened, but I will claim it did too make you look bad but just make myself look stupid.
Baby killer.

9-09-03 10:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Do geese see God?

Member Rated:

A baby-killing pink donkey and a Nazi elephant; what a world we live in!

Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive. And don't ever apologize for anything. - Harry S Truman, 33rd president of US (1884 - 1972)

9-10-03 2:46am (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator Regular

Member Rated:

Can't anyone see that this is an attempt to get a member rating? I don't care if it's a five, I just want to have a score so that I can feel special.
Stupid People Suck by fzh
ack in seventh grade....
*brutally asking moderately difficult math question to try to prove that Forest is dumb*
*cleverly answering correctly*
If you're so good at math, then what's this: The number of pimples on your face time the number of bottles of bleach you used to get that hair color.
That would be zero. I don't count my pimples, but anything times zero is zero.
I think you heard me wrong I said the number of PIMPLES on your FACE times the number of bottles of BLEACh in your HAIR.
Just...go away. You're stupidity is hurting my head.

9-23-03 9:50pm (new)
quote : comics : pm : info

Stripcreator » Read My Damn Comics » I would appreciate it if you read my comic

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