A secret meeting is taking place. A strange man drinking beer in his underwear seems distressed.
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| I need your help in a very important matter. See, theres this kid, named Charles Miller and I need him taken care of right away. Hes caused me alot of trouble and pain. | |
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| I will see what I can do... | |
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| WHAT HAPPENED!? I gave you strict directions to kill the boy! | |
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| HE WON'T DIE!!! He kept raving about his name being "Albert Toomy" but in reality, MY names Albert Toomy!!! | |
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Somewhere in the middle of nowhere stands Charles Miller...
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| OUUUU!!! Prettie prrety fiarre!! GEUSS WHA FIRRE! Mah namss ALLLBBERRRTT!! | |
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