Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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"Did you ever here about that Blue Man Group? Total rip off of the Smurfs... The Smurfs??!! They suck!"
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Jesus waits in a ticket line to see "The Passion of The Christ".
Hey kid, could you cut me some slack and let me go ahead of you? I've been waiting for many years to see a movie such as this.
Sorry, no budging. You can wait to get a ticket to "The Passion of The Christ" just like everyone else.
But...Boy...That movie is ABOUT me.
You want to watch a movie about you? Isn't that a little self-centered man?
10 minutes later...
Sorry, we're all out of tickets.
To hell with this! I'm going to Home Depot to get some nail removers!
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