Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Too Dizzy To Get Specific Right Now But I have decided to create a comic based on living here with my roommate hopefully the strange and odd shit that happens here will bring a smile to your face...if not...we could smash in your teeth???
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by BuRnItAll
Arick explains the origin of the foul mouthed squirrel...
oh yeah you like my hair?? Brie did it for me.....wait what squirrel...
Looks cool...uhhh yeah I found this squirrel...well it found me...and it talks...
the squirrel discovers Arick's porn stash...
What the hizell is dat shiznit under the bized???
Arick starts to think of ways to hide a talking squirrels body...if the transformers were moved..
hey dood yer doors open...mebbe he went into your room...
yeah right...if that squirrel knocks over any of my transformers I will kill him...
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