Uh oh did we strike a nerver there Arick
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| Whoa dude he found yer porn...I don't even think Ron Jeremy has that much porn!! | |
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| Dood...shuttup...Shuttup dood...DOOD SHADDUP!!! | |
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| He doesn't look to special to me...other than he can smeel porn from far away... | |
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| Lizzen here biznitch...just hizzelpin him out...da bitches always lizzook for porn...an' da first plizzace day lizzook is under da bizzed... | |
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A Lfe Lesson Has Been Learned Here...as well as a new language...
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| So do you have a name?? And...you put the porn in the closet??? | |
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| Hellz yea I gots a name...N-Dawg Da Squirrel...and ya put it in da closet under some of yer clothes n shit...she will not look there...GET IT?? | |
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