Silent sure rocks at spamming
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| YES!!!!! Finally!!!! My 10 000th post. I'm gonna mail Dingo about it right now. He'll prolly give me my own forum | |
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Dingo recieves Silent's ingenious idea
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| Silent: ...and I think every member with 10 000 posts should have their own forum | |
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| What is this guy thinking? Giving him his own forum? He must be out of his mind. Request D.E.N.I.E.D!! | |
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Silent has recieved a mail from Dingo, maybe it's the reply to his request?
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| Dingo: ...and I seriously think you should go out your door and get a life... | |
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| Dingo doesn't seem that impressed. He's probably had alot of spammers before, but I will succeed them all!!! Let's see what he sais when I hit 20 000 | |
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