Xanadu are explaining their IRC-server to Dingo
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| Xan HC: And on Xanadu-net you can use our latest bots. They truly rock, and have awsome point systems that are very populare with the players | |
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| I appreciate your offer mr. Xanadu, but NoS do not intend to share server with the rest of NewX | |
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seems like Dingo has made up his mind
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| but.. I don't think you understand Dingo. Xan-net has great security and our techies are the best. | |
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| NoS have their own server with the VERY newest within bots and scripts... we have made up our mind | |
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| the key for #nos was.... wehavegreatbots wasn't it? I know the key for #HC-channel was ourserverrocksnewx atleast. I better call Wipey for the last 7 keys | |
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| welcome to NoS server, all keys are in announcement, bots will be up before round start... we hope... have a nice day | |
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