Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by Digger
On a foggy December's Eve, Santa entered the chimney with a smile and a bag of goodies.
ohi little childs, u got coal cuz u paly wiht u self at nitetime, OMG I JK JK JK JK u did good tihs year, teh SATNA brings u stuffs 4 to paly wiht.
okewl, it si teh game "MYST" *palys*.....Tihs si teh stupidest thign Ive EVUR PALYD IN TEH EVER! santa u ruined christmas
Santa tries harder.....The next year
*opens up gift* HERE SI TEH INTERNIT
shit son, u aint lied, it si teh internet......and.......i juts beat it! it was suxballs, wut else u got?
u know, i gave sum kid in Africaland a peanut n he was all liek "SANTA, i wish u my dad but wihtout teh AIDS tihs time" u know what, fuku, ur presetn is 2 watch rhino secks on discov. chanel 4 EVER
Discovery Channel: "Lewk at teh MAJESTIC RHINO insurt his horned Penis in her scaley-gyna. MAGNICIFANT!"
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