I: And Ceejay saith "Thou shalt not take Ceejus' name in vain, II: Nor shalt thou accuse thy Lord of selling out to C|Net
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| I did not have sexual relations with that company... | |
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| Although... There was that time with the goat and the three Italian midgets... | |
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III: But Lo, somone did blaspheme and bear false witness against Ceejus
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| Nawh... I just made a humourless comic dissing CJayC. Haha! I crack myself up! I said his dick was small! | |
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| God dammit... I hate my life. | |
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IV: And Ceejus saw this, and his wrath was mighty, V: The offender was cast down from GameFAQs into the Dark Place, and forced to spend eternity in the flaming inferno of torture known as IGN.
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| Good Lord! What the Hell just happened? | |
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| lolz yuor in ign rofles! kno dat gaycube sux gaystation to sux and xfaggybox sux two. lung lev ngage! | |
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