Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Yes, now you can experience the un-funniness that is I, Do_not_even_ask, in comic form!
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by Do_not_even_ask
I: And Ceejay saith "Thou shalt not take Ceejus' name in vain, II: Nor shalt thou accuse thy Lord of selling out to C|Net
I did not have sexual relations with that company...
Although... There was that time with the goat and the three Italian midgets...
III: But Lo, somone did blaspheme and bear false witness against Ceejus
Nawh... I just made a humourless comic dissing CJayC. Haha! I crack myself up! I said his dick was small!
God dammit... I hate my life.
IV: And Ceejus saw this, and his wrath was mighty, V: The offender was cast down from GameFAQs into the Dark Place, and forced to spend eternity in the flaming inferno of torture known as IGN.
Good Lord! What the Hell just happened?
lolz yuor in ign rofles! kno dat gaycube sux gaystation to sux and xfaggybox sux two. lung lev ngage!
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