Hey, All "Good" GameFAQs Comics Have CJayC in Them.
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| Uh... Since these comics are based around GameFAQs, I guess it's probably best to give CJayC his own character sprite... So, here goes nothing... | |
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| Ha, ha! As I, the great, mighty, and poweful CJayC, am being formed into my character sprite, you should all cower in fear! | |
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| Soon the next incarnation of a God is bring formed before your obsolete eyes! Soon, fear, destruction, power, and sexiness shall be in the form of... | |
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| ... A squirrel? What the Hell? | |
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Yeah, That's the Punchline... *Sigh*
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| Yes! You're in the form of a squirrel with Godly powers! Ph33r! | |
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| God dammit... I should've known this was going to be bad... | |
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