Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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CAST: Dr_Dangerous: A 12 year-old boy who's phrase is "I killed him! :)" Willow: His hippie mum Susie: A girl who randomly appears in some comics Julius Genachowski: The head of the FCC Homer: Dr_Dangerous' evil little brother who only he can hear! Fat Prick: A fat man who appears in a speacal comic that is shown every fortnight Neil: A hippie in the Fat Prick comics Dean: The security guard the the FCC office Mr. Weed: Dr_Dangerous' teacher
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by Dr_Dangerous
Who's the head here?
Listen here you f*cked up bastard! I pay good money for Cable and you have to go and censor my fav shows!
What do ya want me to f*cking do about it?
To be continued!
Go back to showing the R-Rated shows!!
Why the hell would I?
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