Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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CAST: Dr_Dangerous: A 12 year-old boy who's phrase is "I killed him! :)" Willow: His hippie mum Susie: A girl who randomly appears in some comics Julius Genachowski: The head of the FCC Homer: Dr_Dangerous' evil little brother who only he can hear! Fat Prick: A fat man who appears in a speacal comic that is shown every fortnight Neil: A hippie in the Fat Prick comics Dean: The security guard the the FCC office Mr. Weed: Dr_Dangerous' teacher
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by Dr_Dangerous
Cuz if ya don't, I'll rip yer F*CKING balls off and shove 'em up yer ass so when you shit, you'll shit all over your balls!
Mmmmm, NO!
All right then!
Bring it on!
This fight has been censored by the FCC because it has been ruled too violent! Plus: To be continued
Take this!!
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