Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by ELN
Habitual Liars Meet
Pursuing Fame
You little scammer, con artist and commie! How come you got a book deal and an interview with Katie Cupcake and no publisher wants to publish my book?
Well, Jackie, I have breast implants, cut my own hair, make a habit of shoplifting, talk dirty to the FBI and my snook'ums is a warm and loving dolt.
Desparate Enablers
LEEEEE! Ya cold old goat. Get me my scissors, call Dr. Boobilicous and take me to the mall. Call the FBI and tell them I'm loopy. I need that book deal to prove Scooter's guilt, oops, innocence!
Yes dear. Ya ole battleaxe. Go crawl in a hole. Nobody cares about us anymore.
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