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| (He's daydreaming again!) Ahem, excuse me, Your Satanic Majesty, but I have to report that our efforts to thwart Saddam's removal are failing! | |
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| Blast! It's like I always say, relying on the French is like leaning on a broken reed. | |
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| Why, exactly, are they so anxious to support our continuing efforts at immiserating the Iraqis and increasing world tension? | |
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| Well, they have a long philosophical tradition of collaboration with evil in the name of "liberation," they love to act as neo-colonial oppressors and they thought that Jerry Lewis was a film genius. | |
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| Baal-Zebub's Boils! I was with you right until that last statement. Now I'll have to rid my mind of his eldrich horror! | |
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| What can you expect from a culture that's founded on the notion of never going into another person's bathroom? Just thinking about that anal-retentive foulness makes me shudder! | |
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