Anime Anima confronts Azrael
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| I have come to write seven names in light: Ilan Ramon, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kapana Chawla, David Brown, William McCool and Michael Anderson. | |
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| But why take them, Azrael, when there are so many who would seem to deserve it more? | |
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| All must confront me eventually, child. The only question which your kind -must- answer is the manner in which you spent your allotted time. | |
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| But what about those who say that this is an example of hubris, a justified punishment for pride? | |
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| They are on the road to having their name expunged in blackness. Let them take heed from the example of Job's comforters. | |
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| Hell begins the day that God grants you the vision to see all that you could have done, should have done, and would have done, but did not do-Goethe | |
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