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| Todd! It's casual Friday, my friend, where's your floral print shirt, your cheeky capri pants? | |
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| Sir, I'm naked. I've been naked for the past six years I've worked here. In fact, you're the only one that's ever worn clothes at the company at all. | |
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| Well, holy hell, Todd, you're right. Maybe it's time I let the old grapes grow free, huh? | |
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| It is casual Friday, sir. | |
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| Note well the glory of this moment, Todd. You are a witnessing a sight that, until now, only my wife, my secretary, various other people's secretaries, and about 300 people on Bourbon St. have seen. | |
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| You've never been to New Orleans, sir, but that explains why you declared last week to be "Really Fat Tuesday." | |
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