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| Omg is right Jamalia, out of breath fat people are everywhere, struggling to get up from their own pools of vomit... it can only mean one of two things! | |
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| Either evil is afoot, or the weight watchers building is on fire, either way; we're needed. Fat people can't run you know! Well they can, but only really really slowly | |
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TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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| It looks like your plan may be working master; the streets are filled with more vomit than the roller coaster ride at a well known theme park, featuring well known characters from old cartoon shows | |
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| Blast those registered trademarks and copyrights! Yes, poking fat people with sticks is indeed a success, haha and so hilarious, and for my next trick, I shall remove all sugar from the world! Mwuh | |
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