Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Office Junkies
He just caught a glimpse of that guys' cock... it was big
Yup.. and the other guy is just waiting to shout "Look, ma no hands!"
FrixFrax's Comics
02/16/13 - Sock it to me 18
03/23/09 - Mr. Pervert
03/18/09 - Mr. Pervert
03/18/09 - Mr. Pervert
03/16/09 - Store Credit
03/16/09 - Bimbolicious
12/09/08 - George & Bill: Cowboys of the Country
08/07/08 - Not Suitable For Children
08/07/08 - Father of the Year
04/25/08 - Mung!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02/15/08 - Stick Man 35
02/14/08 - Ugly Chick
02/14/08 - Tiny Little Elves That Fit In Your Mouth
02/14/08 - Loose Bangers
02/13/08 - French Kiss
12/21/07 - Reindeer Games
12/21/07 - Killer Kristmas
12/21/07 - Whoopi Goldberg Wants To Free The Walrus - Do You?
11/20/07 - Happy Birthday Butt Sex
09/19/07 - Terrible Walrus
09/12/07 - Stick Man 34
09/12/07 - Mancala
09/08/07 - Birdy
09/06/07 - It's Jolly Hard Work (Being A TV Executive)
09/05/07 - Dfldfsdfs & Qwerty - BRITNEY SPEAR VENTURE
09/02/07 - Office Junkies
08/30/07 - Office Junkies
08/30/07 - Office Junkies
08/30/07 - Office Junkies
08/30/07 - Pork Chops featuring: Bananaspritz
08/28/07 - Pork Chops featuring: Butch, Bananaspritz
08/27/07 - Pork Chops Featuring: Melvin, Coyle
08/04/07 - Field
07/29/07 - Screw Loose
07/28/07 - P-Pooky?
07/18/07 - George & Bill: Cowboys of the Country
07/01/07 - George & Bill: Cowboys of the Country
06/28/07 - Imp & Filbert in: Yummy Tea & Biscuits Part 2
06/28/07 - Imp & Filbert in: Yummy Tea & Biscuits Part 1
06/24/07 - He Might Explode
06/23/07 - FrixFrax geburtstag mit Sock, Bok, Rok, Duke Duke and Walrus
06/17/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/17/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/17/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/16/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/13/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/10/07 - Stick Man 33
06/10/07 - Stick Man 32
06/09/07 - Mr. Sprocker
06/09/07 - Mr. Sprocker
06/09/07 - Mr. Sprocker
06/09/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/08/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/06/07 - The Dil and Jamalia Adventures! - Klu Klux Klown Part 2
06/06/07 - The Dil and Jamalia Adventures! - Klu Klux Klown Part 1
06/05/07 - Mrs. Landers
06/04/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/03/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/03/07 - Terrible Walrus
06/02/07 - Bok and Rok's Fishing Adventure 3
06/02/07 - Bok and Rok's Fishing Adventure 2
06/02/07 - Bok and Rok's Fishing Adventure 1
02/06/07 - Sock it to me 17
02/05/07 - Bok and Rok's Spider Adventure 3
02/05/07 - Bok and Rok's Spider Adventure 2
02/05/07 - Bok and Rok's Spider Adventure 1
09/19/06 - Bok and Rok's Soap Adventure 3
09/19/06 - Bok and Rok's Soap Adventure 2
09/19/06 - Bok and Rok's Soap Adventure 1
09/17/06 - Bok and Rok's Grandma Adventure 3
09/17/06 - Bok and Rok's Grandma Adventure 2
09/17/06 - Bok and Rok's Grandma Adventure 1
04/26/06 - Edith & Alistare - Do Trees Go To Heaven?
02/12/06 - Going
09/22/05 - Fired
09/22/05 - Kyle
09/22/05 - Bike
09/22/05 - Mandy
08/14/05 - Zombie
08/14/05 - Scene
08/10/05 - Fit
08/10/05 - Sticky
07/31/05 - Ye Olde Comic
07/25/05 - Flowers
06/30/05 - Dead
06/30/05 - Tiny
06/03/05 - Donkeys Can’t Buy Gifts
05/30/05 - Call Me Asshole
05/29/05 - Staple My Balls to an Envelope
05/22/05 - Bok and Rok's Throbbing Adventure 3
05/22/05 - Bok and Rok's Throbbing Adventure 2
05/22/05 - Bok and Rok's Throbbing Adventure 1
05/21/05 - Bok and Rok's Birthday Adventure 3
05/21/05 - Bok and Rok's Birthday Adventure 2
05/21/05 - Bok and Rok's Birthday Adventure 1
05/19/05 - Unlucky Rape Part 2
05/19/05 - Unlucky Rape Part 1
05/15/05 - Dirty Sugar
05/15/05 - Sock it to me 16
05/15/05 - Sock it to me 15
05/15/05 - Sock it to me 14
05/13/05 - Berry Picking - Good Luck
04/23/05 - A World of Molesting Children 3
04/23/05 - A World Of Molesting Children 2
04/23/05 - A World of Molesting Children
04/22/05 - Jac
03/23/05 - Knife Tounge
03/23/05 - Fizz Pop
03/18/05 - Mop Shop
03/17/05 - Rainbow Sprinkles
03/17/05 - Rusty Tap
03/17/05 - Red Balloon
03/17/05 - Moose Farm
03/15/05 - Current Cats- Paris Hilton
03/15/05 - Current Cats- Micheal Jackson
03/13/05 - Bok and Rok's Baker Adventure 3
03/13/05 - Bok and Rok's Baker Adventure 2
03/13/05 - Bok and Rok's Baker Adventure 1
03/13/05 - The Zurks
03/13/05 - The Zurks
03/13/05 - The Zurks
03/10/05 - Tony's Story- Part 3
03/10/05 - Tony's Story- Part 2
03/10/05 - Tony's Story- Part 1
03/10/05 - Tony's Story- Introduction To Tony
03/09/05 - Emoti :/
03/09/05 - Emoti :D
03/09/05 - Emoti :O
12/24/04 - Date Me- Internet
12/23/04 - Date Me- Blind
12/23/04 - Date Me- Sweet
12/21/04 - Bok and Rok's Christmas Adventure 3
12/21/04 - Bok and Rok's Christmas Adventure 2
12/21/04 - Bok and Rok's Christmas Adventure 1
11/11/04 - Porn
11/09/04 - Dick
10/10/04 - Sock it to me 13
10/10/04 - Sock it to me 12
10/08/04 - Sock it to me 11
10/08/04 - Sock it to me 10
10/07/04 - Sock it to me 9
10/06/04 - FrixFrax Aids
09/24/04 - FrixFrax Duh
09/21/04 - FrixFrax Hands
09/18/04 - Bok and Rok's Fungus Adventure 3
09/18/04 - Bok and Rok's Fungus Adventure 2
09/18/04 - Bok and Rok's Fungus Adventure 1
09/18/04 - Issues
09/17/04 - FrixFrax Comes Out
09/17/04 - LezBot
09/17/04 - Wife 95
09/08/04 - FrixFrax's Toys Aren't Fun :(
09/03/04 - Rags To Riches- Don't Use the Toothbrush
09/03/04 - Rags to Riches- All You Need is Liposuction
08/17/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 10
08/17/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 9
08/17/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 8
08/17/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 7
08/17/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 6
08/16/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 5
08/16/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 4
08/16/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 3
08/16/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 2
08/16/04 - Bok and Rok's HUGE Adventure 1
08/14/04 - It's a FrixFrax Life Again!
08/12/04 - WTF- Stars
08/12/04 - WTF- Party
08/12/04 - WTF- Strobe
08/09/04 - WTF- Clay
08/09/04 - WTF- Diet
08/09/04 - WTF- Porridge
08/08/04 - Small Cop- The Pink Apple Button Disaster 1
08/07/04 - Rubber Ducky
08/07/04 - Taka Taka Sausages
08/07/04 - Taka Taka Condoms
08/07/04 - Taka Taka Burgers
08/05/04 - Talking Mirror
08/05/04 - Wire
08/05/04 - It's a life of FrixFrax!
08/04/04 - I came for that pork chop for lunch!
08/03/04 - Farm Stories 2
08/03/04 - Farm Stories 1
07/31/04 - FrixFrax's Late SC Birthday 2004!
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 13
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 12
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 11
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 10
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 9
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 8
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 7
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 6
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 5
07/29/04 - It's a Dogs Life 4
07/28/04 - It's a Dogs Life 3
07/28/04 - It's a Dogs Life 2
07/28/04 - It's a Dogs Life 1
07/27/04 - Stick Man 31
07/27/04 - Stick Man 30
07/27/04 - Stick Man 29
07/27/04 - Stick Man 28
07/27/04 - Stick Man 27
07/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
07/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
07/26/04 - Father Goose- Anatidae
07/26/04 - Father Goose- Geese
07/25/04 - Bok and Rok's Fire Adventure 3
07/25/04 - Bok and Rok's Fire Adventure 2
07/25/04 - Bok and Rok's Fire Adventure 1
07/25/04 - Duke Duke- Reward
07/25/04 - Sock it to me 8
07/24/04 - Sock it to me 7
07/24/04 - Sock it to me 6
07/24/04 - Sock it to me 5
07/24/04 - Sock it to me 4
07/22/04 - Sock it to me 3
07/22/04 - Sock it to me 2
07/22/04 - Sock it to me 1
07/22/04 - The Celebrity Change Thing To Destory The Entire World 3
07/22/04 - The Celebrity Change Thing To Destory The Entire World 2
07/22/04 - The Celebrity Change Thing To Destory The Entire World 1
07/20/04 - Bok and Rok's Oil Adventure 3
07/20/04 - Bok and Rok's Oil Adventure 2
07/20/04 - Bok and Rok's Oil Adventure 1
07/19/04 - Bok and Rok's Pirate Adventure 3
07/19/04 - Bok and Rok's Pirate Adventure 2
07/19/04 - Bok and Rok's Pirate Adventure 1
07/16/04 - Bok and Rok's Harassment Adventure 3
07/16/04 - Bok and Rok's Harassment Adventure 2
07/16/04 - Bok and Rok's Harassment Adventure 1
07/15/04 - Bok and Rok's Toothpaste Adventure 3
07/15/04 - Bok and Rok's Toothpaste Adventure 2
07/15/04 - Bok and Rok's Toothpaste Adventure 1
07/13/04 - Bok and Rok's Early Adventure 3
07/13/04 - Bok and Rok's Early Adventure 2
07/13/04 - Bok and Rok's Early Adventure 1
07/11/04 - Bok and Rok's Medieval Adventure 3
07/11/04 - Bok and Rok's Medieval Adventure 2
07/11/04 - Bok and Rok's Medieval Adventure 1
07/10/04 - Bok and Rok's Casserole Adventure 3
07/10/04 - Bok and Rok's Casserole Adventure 2
07/10/04 - Bok and Rok's Casserole Adventure 1
07/09/04 - Bok and Rok's Perturb Adventure 3
07/09/04 - Bok and Rok's Perturb Adventure 2
07/09/04 - Bok and Rok's Perturb Adventure 1
07/07/04 - Bok and Rok's Churn Adventure 3
07/07/04 - Bok and Rok's Churn Adventure 2
07/07/04 - Bok and Rok's Churn Adventure 1
07/06/04 - Bok and Rok’s Yachting Adventure 3
07/06/04 - Bok and Rok’s Yachting Adventure 2
07/06/04 - Bok and Rok’s Yachting Adventure 1
07/05/04 - Bok and Rok's Scandal Adventure 3
07/05/04 - Bok and Rok's Scandal Adventure 2
07/05/04 - Bok and Rok's Scandal Adventure 1
06/30/04 - Bok and Rok's Happy Adventure 3
06/30/04 - Bok and Rok's Happy Adventure 2
06/30/04 - Bok and Rok's Happy Adventure 1
06/29/04 - Bok and Rok's Babysitting Adventure 3
06/29/04 - Bok and Rok's Babysitting Adventure 2
06/29/04 - Bok and Rok's Babysitting Adventure 1
06/29/04 - Bok and Rok's Bedroom Adventure 2
06/29/04 - Bok and Rok's Bedroom Adventure 1
06/28/04 - Why YOU Shouldnt Masturbate In Bed When Ur Partner Is There!
06/28/04 - Towel
06/27/04 - A Guide for a Guy to get some head in bars (May Not Work!!!)
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/26/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/24/04 - Mr. Sprocker
06/24/04 - Kimberly- Fire PART 3
06/24/04 - Kimberly- Fire PART 2
06/24/04 - Kimberly- Fire PART 1
06/23/04 - Happy Birthday FrixFrax!
06/22/04 - Animal Tales - Mama's Duck (Part 3)
06/22/04 - Animal Tales - Mama's Duck (Part 2)
06/22/04 - Animal Tales - Mama's Duck (Part 1)
06/22/04 - Kimberly - Work PART 2
06/22/04 - Kimberly - Old People PART 2
06/22/04 - Kimberly - Old People PART 1
06/22/04 - Kimberly - Work PART 1
06/22/04 - Duke Duke - Physic
06/21/04 - Duke Duke - Telescope
06/21/04 - Duke Duke - Dream
06/20/04 - Duke Duke - Trimming
06/19/04 - Duke Duke - Treatment
06/19/04 - Kimberly - Late
06/19/04 - Duke Duke - Bun
06/19/04 - Duke Duke - Enya
06/18/04 - Duke Duke - Balls
06/18/04 - Kimberly - Syrup
06/18/04 - Kimberly - Snow PART 2
06/18/04 - Kimberly - Snow PART 1
06/18/04 - Kimberly - Brand New
06/01/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/28/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/28/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/28/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/28/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/28/04 - Mr. Sprocker
05/27/04 - Gran 8- Hell
05/27/04 - Gran 7- Stroke
05/27/04 - Gran 6- Home
05/27/04 - Gran 5- Swear
05/27/04 - Gran 4- Church
05/27/04 - Gran 3- TV
05/27/04 - Gran 2- Salt
05/27/04 - Gran- Park
05/26/04 - Stick Man 26
05/26/04 - Stick Man 25
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 YZ
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 VWX
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 STU
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 PQR
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 MNO
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 JKL
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 GHI
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 DEF
05/26/04 - Alphabet For the Dumb 2004 ABC
05/13/04 - M8s- The one at the porn shop
05/13/04 - M8s- The one where Shane is caught
05/12/04 - M8s- The one with the book Ash is writing
05/10/04 - M8s- The one with a phone call from Mikey
05/10/04 - M8s- The one with the guy at work
05/10/04 - M8s- Meet the M8s for Series 3
03/25/04 - 40 Days & 40 Nights 2 Trailer
01/14/04 - FrixFrax's Hat
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with gay dancing
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with the dancing
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with the same shoes
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with all alone
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with asking to dance
12/30/03 - M8s- The one with the start of the Christmas party story
12/19/03 - M8s- The one with swinging
12/19/03 - M8s- The one with Rosie O'Donnel
12/19/03 - M8s- The one with coming
12/15/03 - M8s - The one with the lovely flowers song
12/14/03 - M8s- The one with Saddam Hussein
12/14/03 - M8s- The one with pornography
12/13/03 - M8s- The one with stuffing money in a Christmas card
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with a telephone
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with cutting down Christmas trees
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with Briget
12/12/03 - M8s- The one where the murderer is caught
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with the Murderer
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with a guy called Rod
12/12/03 - M8s- The one where Chad and Shane talk
12/12/03 - M8s- The one where Ronold and Ash talk
12/12/03 - M8s - The one where Kay and Mikey talk
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with the priest
12/12/03 - M8s- The one where it all comes out
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with bacon
12/12/03 - M8S- The one with love
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with flowers
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with milkshakes
12/12/03 - M8s- The one with Cher
12/10/03 - Big Daddy - Out On The Streets Episode 4
12/10/03 - Big Daddy - Out On The Streets Episode 3
12/10/03 - Big Daddy - Out On The Streets Episode 2
12/10/03 - Big Daddy - Out On The Streets Episode 1
12/10/03 - Big Daddy- Snowman Part 3
12/10/03 - Big Daddy- Snowman Part 2
12/10/03 - Big Daddy- Snowman Part 1
12/09/03 - FrixFrax's Other Freinds
12/09/03 - FrixFrax's Best Friend
12/09/03 - FrixFrax's Sex Life
12/09/03 - FrixFrax's Love Life
12/09/03 - FrixFrax's Social Life
12/04/03 - Oh No Yu!
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb ZP
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb WXY
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb TUV
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb QRS
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb MNO
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb JKL
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb GHI
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb DEF
12/01/03 - The Alphabet For the Dumb ABC
11/23/03 - Shhhhh!
11/22/03 - Shut it!
11/22/03 - Zip It!
11/16/03 - Mrs. X- All Male
11/09/03 - Happy Burger-The Happiest Place On Earth
11/08/03 - Mrs. X- Whats a noob?
11/03/03 - Stick Man 24
11/03/03 - Stick Man 23
11/03/03 - Stick Man 22
11/03/03 - Stick Man 21
11/02/03 - Stick Man 20
11/02/03 - Stick Man 19
11/02/03 - Stick Man 18
11/02/03 - Stick Man 17
11/02/03 - Stick Man 16
11/02/03 - Stick Man 15
10/31/03 - Stick Man 14
10/31/03 - Stick Man 13
10/31/03 - Stick Man 12
10/19/03 - Stick Man 11
10/19/03 - Stick Man 10
10/19/03 - Stick Man 9
10/18/03 - Stick Man 8
10/18/03 - Stick Man 7
10/17/03 - Stick Man 6
10/17/03 - Stick Man 5
10/15/03 - Mr Stick Man 4
10/15/03 - Mr Stick Man 3
10/15/03 - Mr Stick Man 2
10/15/03 - Mr Stick Man
10/11/03 - The Sex Files- Sex For Three
10/10/03 - The Sex Files- Sex in a costume
10/09/03 - The Sex Files- Animal Sex
10/08/03 - The Sex Files- Live Sex Lines
10/03/03 - Scatterbrains IN The Big Bully PART 5
10/03/03 - Scatterbrains IN The Big Bully PART 4
10/03/03 - Scatterbrains IN The Big Bully PART 3
10/03/03 - Scatterbrains IN The Big Bully PART 2
10/03/03 - Scatterbrains IN The Big Bully PART 1
10/01/03 - Scatterbrains IN Magic Paper Bag PART 3
10/01/03 - Scatterbrains IN Magic Paper Bag PART 1
10/01/03 - Scatterbrains IN Tuna PART 2
10/01/03 - Scatterbrains IN Tuna PART 1
10/01/03 - The Monthly Ganja October 2003
09/30/03 - At home with Chesstor UNCUT preview
09/30/03 - Chesster the talking chessboard adventures
09/27/03 - What Did I Do Last Night?
09/27/03 - Rezam is STILL ugly PART 7
09/27/03 - Rezam is STILL ugly PART 6
09/27/03 - Rezam is STILL Ugly PART 5
09/27/03 - Rezam is SITLL ugly PART 4
09/17/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (7)
09/17/03 - Rezam is STILL ugly PART 3
09/01/03 - The Monthly Ganja September 2003
08/25/03 - Rezam is STILL ugly Part 2
08/25/03 - Rezam is STILL ugly! Part One
08/25/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (6)
08/23/03 - Help! I don't know how to say those wacky Alien names 2
08/23/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office!
08/23/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (5)
08/23/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (4)
08/21/03 - The Monthly Ganja August 2003
08/20/03 - Help! I don't know how to pronounce those wacky Alien names
08/20/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (3)
08/20/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (2)
08/20/03 - Help! Aliens Have Invaded My Office! (1)
08/16/03 - M8s- The one with Chad's Dad
08/10/03 - M8s- The one thats pathetic
08/08/03 - M8s- The one with sex and no talking
07/26/03 - M8s-The one with the blow up doll
07/26/03 - M8s-The one with the computer
07/24/03 - M8s- The one with the peace protest
07/24/03 - M8s- The one by the sea
07/24/03 - M8s- The one with the Training Video
07/24/03 - M8s- The one where they get introduced
07/21/03 - I am Deaf
07/21/03 - The guys who thought they were girls
07/21/03 - There is Something That Has Been Bothering Me... 2
07/20/03 - There is Something That Has Been Bothering Me...
07/20/03 - The Sexy Microphone Joke
comments on this comic
Funny series!
posted Mar 18th, 2009 (
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