Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Gamers_Inc. brought to u by jonathan & brian this fucking stripcreator acount fucking creating thing gave us hell just my gosh that so kno that our acount is gamerz_Lnc omfg ya i kno... well if u want to contact us of how rediculously cool our comics r email us lol at either at brian lol well mine is so we'd like to hear ur comments
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by Gamerz_lnc
you are in a dark cave and the walls are slimy with growing moss and the dim light only alows you to see so far..
im an archer named AKDAR!!
as you walk suddenly you see a dog that seems it is from hell.... he asks you to hunt out his own master and kill him...
o no you will not attack me will you?
i will not kill you unless you do not help me out
soon you are falling deeper and deeper into the bowels of EL DIABLO!
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