Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Say It with Love
We now go live on location to presidential hopeful John Kerry, who has surprisingly accepted a cruise from President George Bush.
Thanks, Jim. I'm now on the ship, which has full Turkish bath facilities.
At first I thought this whole thing was a ploy to get me off the campaign trail, but I figured, it was probably just a nice gesture.
Hi, Mr. Kerry. A secret admirer would like to buy you a Turkish, um, "bath." The card simply reads, "You've been Bushwhacked."
I was wondering why "bath" had been written in in crayon. At least I'll be out of here in a week...
We're sinking.
Geniu$'s Comics
11/03/17 - One coin behind the ear to rule them all
11/02/17 - New Order
03/15/11 - Life Imitating Art
05/10/04 - Girl-Scout Pout
04/28/04 - Twin Air-Bags.
04/15/04 - De Turkish Plight
04/14/04 - Say It with Love
04/13/04 - Mini Me
03/04/03 - Elvis Impersonation Contest
02/28/03 - Kelly
02/28/03 - The Bible.
02/28/03 - The Bible
02/28/03 - With Wings!
02/28/03 - The Adventures of Visible Man.
02/28/03 - Prescription
06/17/02 - Ripples
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part Six
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part Five
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part Four
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part Three
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part Two
04/30/02 - A lesson in Futility - Part One
04/30/02 - Welcome to hell.
04/29/02 - Speaking on behalf of the "Save a Character Foundation".
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 12
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 11
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 10
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 9
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 8
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 7
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 6
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 5
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 4
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 3
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 2
04/28/02 - You have no chance to survive, make your time. Part 1
04/23/02 - .........................................................ass
04/22/02 - Enter the Graceland (36 Chambers)
04/22/02 - He's not the messiah...
04/22/02 - The Great Pretender.
04/18/02 - Charlie and the Cocaine Factory!
04/18/02 - Memento: First Draft
04/17/02 - The Usual Suspects: Edited for Television
04/17/02 - Bladerunner: The (other) Directors Cut
02/11/02 - Comic Cup VIII - Skagg's entry - "Crimeny!"
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 7
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 6
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 5
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 4
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 3
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 2
02/05/02 - CC98: The Usual Suspects - Part 1
01/14/02 - Prince Harry, Queen of the desert!
12/26/01 - Spankling: The walking punchline.
11/29/01 - Kajun plays God for the last time!
11/23/01 - "The Green Mile" starring Elvishitler as the gay prisoner!
11/21/01 - so.....this is now a 3-horse race?
10/13/01 - Being Andy Dougan
10/09/01 - Osama the refugee
09/18/01 - conspiracy theory part 3
09/17/01 - Afghanistanley Kubrick
09/17/01 - Osama-a-rama
09/17/01 - Talibanzai!
09/11/01 - too soon?
09/07/01 - meet the new characters
09/07/01 - road runner
09/07/01 - some days are good, some days are bad
09/04/01 - fLoRa'S cOmEdY hOuR!
09/03/01 - Tinman the critic
09/03/01 - "The goggles, they do nothing"
09/03/01 - 09/04/01 - 09/04/01 - 09/04/01 - 09/04/01 - 09/04/01
09/01/01 - finally getting my come-uppance!
09/01/01 - The Underused Characters Guild
08/29/01 - cover me in paint
08/29/01 - it seemed really clever in my head
08/29/01 - no real reason for this strip
08/26/01 - mushroomhead
08/26/01 - drowning pool
08/25/01 - Seinfeld
08/25/01 - role reversal
08/25/01 - they could be regulars!
08/25/01 - asian girls make their first appearance!
08/24/01 - phalamentoza!
08/24/01 - getting kinda bored now
08/22/01 - finally getting to the bottom of this!
08/21/01 -
08/21/01 - maybe I'm crossing a line here
08/21/01 - there such a thing as too much plot
08/21/01 - exhaust smoke
08/21/01 - the most fickle, idiotic, naive and shallow species on earth
08/19/01 - Flora and Tony
08/19/01 - Russel Crowe, havat thee!
08/19/01 - conspiracy theory, part 2
08/18/01 - The narration and the strip are two different things!
08/18/01 - something so much more
08/18/01 - a seemingly ordinary conversation
08/18/01 - and back to the story
08/18/01 - well, it's not ALL for nothing
08/18/01 - what would Mr Ferguson say?
08/18/01 - listen to me...
08/18/01 - conspiracy theory, part 1
08/18/01 - West of Scotland arseholes!
08/17/01 - El comic del dÃa
08/17/01 - fLoRa!
08/17/01 - diss
08/16/01 - I think I'm getting the hang of this!
08/16/01 - stealing jokes AND characters is lame lame lame!
08/16/01 - The beginning
08/15/01 - confused
08/15/01 - oh behave!
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