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| Lets take what was a very good book by Michael Crichton that accurately portrayed what time travelling to the Middle Ages would be like and turn it into a movie. | |
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| Yes, that book would make a good movie.. but it's too intelligent for the teenagers who make us the most money. So lets get rid of all the accuracies and make it a mindless action flick. | |
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| It's time for another confusing horror movie that tries to be intelligent but isn't. What should we call it? | |
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| How about Gothika? It makes no sense but has goth in it and when people think of goths they think of that cool social clique in which people cut themselves and listen to HARCORE music. Brilliant! | |
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| Lets make a movie starring Billy Bob Thorton about a foul mouthed drunken Santa! That's a horrible idea! | |
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| But as a joke lets make the movie good! | |
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