Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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After taking life a bit more seriously, I realized one thing, my humor from the year 2003 sucks. Hopefully its better now. Well, I'm just going to make comics to express my opinion. I have been obsessed with the Paranormal and Conspiracy field lately, unlike 2003. I'm also anti-Bush Administration. 2003 are usually comics are about the dkvine ( ) forums.
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I really lack orginality in this series.
Karl Rove: In order to be able to continue our "good" work, we need to keep Bush's approval ratings high. Send in George!
*walks in, trips, fall down, and gets back up.* I'm alright, dang it. I still haven't finished my Rugrats coloring book.
Bush gives a great speech.
Amurica! The economy is strong! Let us not forget, September 11th. And last but not least.. Uh... Terror..
Fox News!
His approval ratings just came in, and they are through the roof. 100 percent!
The highest ever for a president! The man can do no wrong! And that's what you are suppose to think.
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