Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Haxx0r K1ng own0rz a77 +hat he surveyz0rz
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by Haxx0r_K1ng
Th1s c0untry 1z 1n d1re str@1ts! 0ur feud@l techn0cr@cy 1s 0utd@ted! W1th the1r d@t@ m1nes, 1 c0uld br1ng th1s K1ng0m 1nto teh twentyf1rxxst century!
Bu+ teh neg0t1@t10ns w1th teh Prexxident0rz 0f Literacistan fell thr0ugh... 0ur m1l1t@ry m1ght 1s the only th1ng th@t c@n s@ve us fr0m ru1n!
But we have our own untapped data mines in this country... we should use thoooose!!! OooOoOooohhh!!!
W@1t @ m1nute... why d0es my c0nc1ence h@ve @ Literate @ccent? And why d0es 1t s0und l1ke teh Ch@ncel0r 0f teh Exchexxquer?
Uuhhh.... because you feel GUILTY! Guilty for bringing your military might to bear on the peace loving people of Literacistan! oOooOOoooOHhhh!!
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