Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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that website is actually my bands website, the girl isn't me...that's our lead singer, im the drummer, but thats as close as i have to a homepage, so there you go! And just for reference, I've seen my rating, and I don't really care that you people don't like my comics, I'm using this as a plug for my band. CD OUT IN FEBUARY BITCHES!
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by JimboJK2487
Um, Jamie? I think the ship has been overrun by militant aliens bent on brainwashing us so they can use the ship to control human kind.
I'm Captain Jamie...not just Jamie.
Yeah, so...about the militant aliens?
Right...have they killed Jack?
Not as far as I know.
Well, lets let it run its course then.
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