In the Dungeon of the Evil Lord Barry, Princess Clara contemplates her fate...
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| I hope that my bedroom will be better than this after Evil Lord Barry has married me. I really do not know why he keeps me here, I have told him I will not run away because I am happy to get married. | |
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| Good Morning my dear Princess Clara, today is your last day as a single lady, and then tomorrow you and the Kingdom shall be mine. Ha Ha Ha. | |
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| Ah Barry, good. I need to see the Dressmaker, the florist and the chef, I have a few alterations I have to discuss with them. | |
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| You do realise that your not supposed to want this to happen, it is a little odd the way that you are happy to go along with it all!!! | |
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| And do you realise that this is the sixth time that I have been abducted by some Evil Lord who wants to marry me so that they can rule the Kingdom? I want it to happen so that no-one tries it again! | |
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