Dear Robot, The St. Johns curriculum is based on the concept of Seminar, wherein we discuss our reading, always remaining respectful.
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| I just think Akilleus is a great big poopy head. | |
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| Write Penguin and see if they put that quote on the dust jacket of their next edition. Oh, and make sure they spell your name right, T.J. Shit-for-brians. | |
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This is interspersed with tutorials, which are like classes, only instead of teachers we have tutors, which are like teachers except they won't lower themselves to teach you anything.
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| Okay, next week, I'm hoping we can discuss Euclid's propositions up to number twenty. | |
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| That's nice. Personally, I'm hoping that I'll be given some women and be able to describe a path from my pants to theirs. Let's see how these competing theories work out. | |
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From which I naturally arrive at another point: I've finally found out where the attractive and intelligent women have been sequestering themselves.
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| Odysseus reminds me somewhat of Baudolino, the hero and narrator of the latest eponymous literary masterpiece by Umberto Eco. Care for a scone before bed? | |
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| Candide was right; This really is the best of all possible worlds. | |
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