While playing GTA3, our hero LF has run into something quite strange...
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| (Lord Finisher) What the hell? Why is Santa Claus in GTA3 of all things? | |
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| (Santa Claus) Ho, ho, ho... You've been a naughty boy, killing all of those cops, innocent bystanders, and best of all, gang members. | |
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Saint Nick sure is a nice guy, isn't he?
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| (Lord Finisher) Look - you've got some explaining to do... | |
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| (Santa Claus) I'm just here to give you your Christmas gift on behalf of all of us at the North Pole - I just want to pay you to ensure that no harm will come to any of us... | |
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Lord Finisher's curiosity may prove to pay off very decently...
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| (Lord Finisher) What is it? A whore? Weapons? The ability to unlock the powers of mortals? | |
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| (Santa Claus) I will let you in on a very ancient secret about my reindeer team. I know you won't believe this - hell - even the missus didn't believe it... | |
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