Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I wake up in the morning..look in the mirror...and realize I'm still Hispanic. It's going to be another long day.
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by MisfitUriel
'ey mista. What ya read'ns?
A letter from my dear wife Poop. It seems she thinks our marriage is swirling into an abyss of dark and blueish toilet water.
I can only compare my sorrow to that of Jesus christ having to poop but not being able to, on the cross.
(farting sounds....) OH DEAR GOD!
WOw. LoL WhAt A MeSsEd ^ GuY. I bEtTeR gO SpY oN SiS iN dA SHoWeR.
Do you understand now oh sweet innocent child? Oh loving and humane child of light? Don't yo-... HEY! WHERE'D THAT LITTLE BITCH GO!?
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