Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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I wake up in the morning..look in the mirror...and realize I'm still Hispanic. It's going to be another long day.
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by MisfitUriel
As Sunlight begins to Invade the darkness, Pondering minds congregate to consider the outstanding questions of the universe.
Well actually I'm wondering why we, as free and liberated stick figures in this Great Nation of Stripcreator are confinded to such small squares. I do not have time for your immature antics, young one
Why not Oh most Idol of my Idols? I only wish to entertain you. And really..are you blind? We just broke that chains of oppression and spread the box edges of freedom!!
We are Rebels, aren't we, Young one? We better make good of this time of peace and space.
LET'S DO THE ROBOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gIve UP...PleASE DON't huMp ME...
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