Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Political Circus
President Bush continues to make an impression upon America's Minority populations.
, 5-21-05
NastyPope's Comics
07/05/08 - How Personal is too Personal?
11/11/07 - Ned the Naughty Nurse: A Love Haiku
11/11/07 - We All Play Our Part
03/13/07 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Bed Time Story
02/15/07 - Awkward Definitions: Gaytheist
02/15/07 - Just Keep Swimming....
09/03/06 - Ignorance is Fish
04/06/06 - Too Pretty for Prison
04/06/06 - Fun With Math
11/10/05 - Satanism 101
08/12/05 - Random Layout Minimalism: Incriminating Rorschachs
08/11/05 - True I.T. Stories from Beyond: Homework
08/10/05 - Hard Lessons
08/05/05 - Random Layout Madness: At The Movies
06/29/05 - Big John
06/19/05 - Awkward Definitions: Womance
06/19/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Occupational Hazards
06/18/05 - Careful What You Wish For
06/15/05 - Between a Rock and a Hard Case
06/09/05 - True I.T. Stories From Beyond: MuuMuu Magic
06/09/05 - Awkward Definitions: Formaltitties
06/09/05 - All In the Family
06/09/05 - True I.T. Stories From Beyond: Puppy Love
06/09/05 - True I.T. Stories From Beyond: I-D-10-T Errors
06/09/05 - Awkward Definitions: Electile Dysfunction
06/03/05 - Haiku Bombu
06/02/05 - Sex in the Shitty
06/02/05 - Awkward Definitions: Pastronomy
06/01/05 - True I.T. Stories From Beyond: Power Corrupts
06/01/05 - Chance Encounters
06/01/05 - Jurassic Park IV: Lost in New York
05/31/05 - Haiku Pickle Brine
05/31/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Venerable Charm
05/30/05 - Awkward Definitions: Cuntsumption
05/30/05 - Drinking on the Job
05/30/05 - Awkward Definitions: Fistuluv
05/30/05 - Haiku Solo
05/30/05 - Awkward Definitions: Jismnasium
05/30/05 - Awkward Definitions: Coightus
05/29/05 - Excuse Excuse Reason
05/29/05 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 2. no 3: Can't Buy Me Love
05/28/05 - Awkward Definitions: Smugma
05/28/05 - Awkward Definitions: Uranate
05/28/05 - Awkward Definitions: Badmitten
05/28/05 - Awkward Definitions: Flatuelation
05/28/05 - Awkward Definitions: Condominimum
05/28/05 - Battlefield Comedy or When Jokes Bomb
05/28/05 - Three Whores, a Midget, and a Funeral
05/28/05 - Band AIDS
05/28/05 - Haiku Park
05/28/05 - Jungle Beaver
05/27/05 - Foreign Affairs
05/27/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Charity
05/27/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Strapped for Cash
05/26/05 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 2. no 2.
05/26/05 - What if the Roswell Aliens Had Been Found by a Beatnik
05/25/05 - Start Them Young
05/25/05 - The Voices In My Head Give Me Porpoise
05/25/05 - Random Layout Madness: Bad Porn Scripts
05/25/05 - Haiku Spiritu
05/25/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Big Brother
05/24/05 - Arms Race
05/24/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Hired Help
05/24/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Fidelity
05/24/05 - Haiku Poodle-Oh!
05/24/05 - Dr. Shrinker
05/23/05 - Naughty Christmas Specials
05/23/05 - Jesus Loves Me This I Know...
05/23/05 - Haiku Sprinkler
05/22/05 - Random Layout Badness: Finger Licken Good
05/22/05 - Tonight on the Simplistic Life
05/22/05 - Haiku Pump-kin
05/22/05 - D.A.R.E to Keep Your Kids on the Right Drugs
05/21/05 - Random Layout Minimalism: Political Circus
05/21/05 - Random Layout Madness:
05/21/05 - Random Layout Minimalism: This Is....
05/21/05 - Rebels Without a Clue
05/21/05 - 'Vengence is Mine' Sayeth the Lord
05/20/05 - This Is ...
05/20/05 - Star Wars: Full Circle
05/20/05 - No Cock Left Behind
05/19/05 - Righteous Suffering
05/19/05 - Haiku Snarfu
05/19/05 - Post Apocalyptic Piercing
05/19/05 - Three Scenes from a Random Layout: Animal Lover
05/19/05 - Celebrity Fanmail
05/19/05 - Lost World
05/18/05 - Haiku Jailo
05/18/05 - Messages from Beyond the Grave
05/18/05 - The Boy of Summer
05/18/05 - Sunshine
05/18/05 - Broom Closet
05/18/05 - Haiku Stinku
05/18/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Origins
05/18/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: Cream Soda
05/18/05 - School is Cool.
05/18/05 - Winning the Pooh Too
05/17/05 - Winning the Pooh
05/17/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter in: The Mangina Dialogues
05/17/05 - Three Scenes from a Random Layout: Pants Me
05/17/05 - Three Ways to get Women to Stop Shopping (and hate you)
05/17/05 - Giving Head in Church
05/17/05 - Spears of Destiny
05/17/05 - Buddies
05/16/05 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 2. no 1.
05/16/05 - The Vulgar Carpenter...
05/16/05 - Simple Answers
05/16/05 - Blood is Thicker than Whiskey
05/15/05 - Miss Communications
05/13/05 - Quotes of Former U.S. Presidents
05/12/05 - Something Borrowed This Way Comes
05/07/05 - Sum Gai Woks in a Bar
05/07/05 - A Nun Walks Into a Bar with a Bird
03/18/05 - CC278: Don't Give The Religious Right An Inch
07/14/03 - When Stripcreator goes down
07/12/03 - The Shining: Alternate Ending
07/11/02 - Stripcreator Group Therapy
07/11/02 - Toughtful Betrayals or Freudian Slip it to the Altar Boy
07/01/02 - What if Cthulhu was a Redneck
07/01/02 - World's Worst thing to say at a Bachelor Party
06/29/02 - Twat If...
06/25/02 - Necrophillia, the Other White Meat part 2
02/15/02 - CC100: Bicentennial Scam
11/16/01 - Miss Oggoenie
11/11/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.11
11/11/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.10
11/03/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitue no.9
11/03/01 - Backstreet Boys: Behind the Music.
10/26/01 - More about the Amazed Porno Bunny
10/16/01 - Song of my Life
10/14/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.8
10/14/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.7
10/14/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.6
10/13/01 - Dieseling Passions
10/13/01 - Creation part 1
10/11/01 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 10.
10/11/01 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 9.
10/11/01 - A Day In the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 8.
10/08/01 - A Day In the Life of Carry Cadaver
10/05/01 - To Boldly Cornhole part 2
10/05/01 - To Boldly Cornhole
10/03/01 - Legal Tender-izer
10/02/01 - Enter CD-KEY UJERK-IH4T3-VVH4T-URDNG-2US41
10/01/01 - I'm Floundering for Good Ideas.....
10/01/01 - Dr Nemo or Captain Suess
10/01/01 - Tobor Shaketh his Collegiate Speare
09/29/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.5
09/26/01 - Productivity Sweets!!!!
09/26/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.4
09/25/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitue no.3
09/24/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.2
09/24/01 - Ballad of the Wookie Prostitute no.1
09/23/01 - Murder Most Howl2
09/23/01 - Murder Most Howl
09/20/01 - We are all the same to worms.
09/20/01 - OuttaDoorsAttitudeChickas
09/17/01 - Sung to "I Got a Gal in Kalamazoo"
09/14/01 - To Infinity & Beyond!!!!
08/30/01 - No, they don't have cocks in flash cards....
08/28/01 - David Cronenberg's The Fly, alternate ending.
08/27/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 7
08/16/01 - The (de)Evolution of Pokemon
08/14/01 - Zhang
08/11/01 - Tall Tales #1
08/11/01 - Pet Shop Boys
08/09/01 - This Blows Chunks
08/09/01 - "Prepare to be Stripped" or "How to Play Lowpass Dressup"
08/08/01 - Big Brother is Watching & He has a Hardon.
08/07/01 - Austin Powers in: My Left Nut
08/07/01 - No Point of Returning to See It. (The original is better)
08/06/01 - Fightin' for the Lie
08/05/01 - Superstitious Nonsensicalalities
08/03/01 - Like Donuts for Beer
07/31/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 6.
07/29/01 - The Sims: Gynecological Expansion Pack
07/24/01 - A New Rivalry Begins
07/22/01 - Jerky Boys are Fags
07/20/01 - Dragun Ryders O' Sperm
07/17/01 - cc45: Xtremely Bad Sports
07/13/01 - Aliens on their Break
07/13/01 - Rave Psychology
07/11/01 - CC 43: Narcissistic Fuckface's World
06/08/01 - Comic Contest #35
05/15/01 - CC #30: Love is...
05/11/01 - Comic Contest #29: Snatch
05/08/01 - Comic Contest #28: I Shite Ewe Snot
05/01/01 - Australian for...
04/30/01 - Wisdom of the Ancients
04/30/01 - Comic Contest #27: Thank you Guidance Counsellors
04/28/01 - Death's New Image
04/25/01 - Comic Contest #26: Time, the Enemy of Beauty
04/25/01 - Tobor Gets Traded In.
04/25/01 - Tobor Pays his Respects
04/22/01 - Comic Contest #25: Out of the Mouth of Babes
04/19/01 - Comic Contest #24: As the World Spurns
03/27/01 - Comic Contest XVI: Psyche is not a tennis shoe....
03/16/01 - Eat Your Vegetables
03/16/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict, vol 1 no 5 --- Tossed Cookies
03/16/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict, vol 1 no 4 -----Job Hunting
03/14/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict, vol 1 no 3
03/14/01 - Confessions
03/13/01 - Like Rednecks through the hourglass.....
03/11/01 - Comic Contest XII: A Quitch with an Itch
03/08/01 - Cthulu Worship for Dummies
03/08/01 - Squirrel The Eternal Optimist
03/07/01 - Re-in-Tarnations
03/07/01 - Comic Contest XI: Death by Infomercial
03/05/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 2.
03/05/01 - A Day in the Life of Ruprict vol 1. no 1.
03/02/01 - Feeding the Pigeons
03/02/01 - The Mighty Tiki God of Temptation Island Speaks!!!! part 2
03/02/01 - The Mighty Tiki God of Temptation Island Speaks!!!!
03/02/01 - Necrophillia, the Other White Meat
03/02/01 - A Public Service message from UBOS (united bugs of OSes)
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