Now now Big Head, don' go an' be too greedy! Jus' watch them sparks fly...
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| I'm Jack Daniels, nice to meet you... | |
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Ah, I can jus' see the buttaflies flutterin' all ova the place... mmm mmm! You go Big Head!
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| Diane, but you can call me Clappy. Jack Daniels huh? I love Jack Daniels! I wish I had a cool name like that. | |
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| Well thanks, Clappy. So you come here often? | |
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Now it's gon' get SAUCEY, y'all! Cover up them chilluns' eyes!
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| Oh, everyday. Even on the holidays. Especially on the holidays. | |
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| So... can I put my booty booty up in your spaghetti? Daddy? | |
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