Back in the dungeon-esque backroom... it's burnin' up...
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| Okay... so now what? And hey, did you steal my beer? | |
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| You drank it all up, sugar plum... just relax. I'm going to take you places you've never been before! | |
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Whoa, now what be this happenin'?? Somethin' goin' on! Be careful, Big Head!
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| Good luck. I've scoured every inch of the Earth for liquor and I... huh? | |
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Uh oh! Is Big Head in trouble? I know the suspense just gon' kill ya! Damn, that heffa on the right need a shave...
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| Mwahaha! I have you now! Soon, I will taste every alcohol-drenched nook and cranny of your sweet, plump head! | |
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