Yolanda's workin' it, chilluns!
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| Crackuh, you sho' be knowin' how ta gets ol' YOLANDA all HOT an' FIREY! YOLANDA gon' melt right on outta her SNOW! | |
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| But how? All I said is that I'm going to cllimb down your chimney. And then I'm going to stuff your stocking! | |
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| SWEET JESUS!!! OL' YOLANDA'S 'BOUT TA EXPLODE! YOLANDA feel da achin' 'tween them thighs, chilluns! WOOOOO! | |
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| You're a NAUGHTY little girl, Yolanda! | |
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Santa ain't ready for that jelly.
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| OOOOOOH, I'm a NAUGHTY girl! Work it, crackuh! Give YOLANDA some sugah! But watch yo'self, cuz YOLANDA gives BIG lovin'! | |
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| ...I'm going home to my WIFE, young lady! HO HO HO! | |
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