Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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"Every day it's the same old same old. If its not terrorist trying to poison me, theres some kind of new disease I've contracted from my ex girl friend." "Drago.... Stop pretending you've made out with your cousin, Its just starting to get wierd now" "I fucking Hate clowns" "Better ditch my stash" Cabooses Hero: Drago sucks darwin farkus: Drago sucks AngelofGunsmoke: Drago sucks
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by RedX
After hang out with Steve all Day, Red decide to sit down and have a XBL chat with his good Xbox live friends.
"Hey Pops, Red, Collin!! Guess what I met a girl and we hooked up!! She gave me my first kiss and everything"
[All of us Reply] REALLY !?........... [Red] I'm not sure why I was under the impression you were gay?
" YEAH WELL CHECK OUT MY STATS RED! Anyways, Yep and the best thing is I already know all about her, Ive pretty much lived next to her my whole life"
[Pops] Who is she??
Um.. It really dosent matter...
[Red] Drago.... Stop pretending you've made out with your cousin, Its just starting to get wierd now"
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