Pat 1: Captain Gruntass, 30 days out of Tijuana, sails the Seven Seas on his ship of the valkyries, actually his floating whorehouse and sole source of income.
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| ARR! Patty McBreasts, me first matey! How fares the crew? | |
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| Badly, Captain. The lower decks rumble with talk of mutiny and lack of depilatory cream, also, the officers are grumbling about their inability to manage a stable relationship in a world gone mad. | |
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| ARR! Sure'n these lassies haven't fergot that we're PIRATES! PIrates have no TIME for Cartesian Dualism! | |
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| Actually sir, we're not pirates, we're poorly paid prostitutes. | |
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| Arrr. . .that would explain the lack of cutlasses, cannons and the proliferation of black G-strings and vibrators, wouldn't it? | |
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