Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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As you might have noticed, not a lot of planning goes into these.
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by Riotmoon
Oh man, I never get tired of this bit. Everyone else does, but not me.
Y'know what I hate? I hate it when people look at me funny at the IHOP when I eat the free newspaper and expose myself to the pancakes
I fucking hate that shit, man. Makes the sun shine less bright.
Y'know what I hate? I hate it when I go to my local NAMBLA and see that sign with the clown that says "You must be this short to be molested."
Man, I hate that too--waitasec, I mean you're UNDER ARREST you fucking PEDERAST!
You know what I hate? I fucking hate when people recycle bits that were well exhausted 3 years ago and try to make it seem like some bullshit triumphant return.
I totally hate that shit too, man. But let's not bite the hand that feeds.
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