On other sites, they probably call this kinda shit "emo . . ."
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| Y'know man, I miss the days when the world made sese. When we weren't embroiled in a bloody wasteful war and Britney Spears' coochie was the subject of fevered jackoffery, instead of news | |
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| bAcK iN mY dAy YoU hArDlY eVeR gOt WoOd WaTcHiNg On ThE tV | |
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| I don't know man, it's like. . .people's hearts is all fucked up, people is stoopid in they minds . . . | |
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| ThErE's ReAlLy OnLy TwO tHiNgS yOu CaN dO mAn . . .die, or drizzle cake frosting on your testicles. | |
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| You scare me when you kinda almost make sense like that, Grandad. | |
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| I savor my moments of clarity and god dammit, you should too, Mother Dearest. | |
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