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Flagstone, Deer Lick, And Us
We join our story with TIME BISCUT MN landing in hotel lobby bearing a sign called "FurryMUCK 06"
Hello, feline woman-servant, I, TIME BISCUT MAN am here to fuck something with a lot of hair, just as it says on your sign.
That's peachy-keen with me, but really all we have are people pretending to be animals and pretending to fuck each other.
That's it?
You make the birds flying high above us weep blood.
Y'know, I hear that kinda thing all the time.
Riotmoon's Comics
10/22/08 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players In "Eraserhead"
10/22/08 - Obligatory Election Comic Which Will Be Dated Immediately
10/22/08 - Jughead and ARTGY! (all-Halloween edition)
10/22/08 - Time Biscut Man in "Thumb Fun"
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #5
10/14/08 - The Adventures of Super Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #4
10/14/08 - The Adventures of Super Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #3
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Achieving Origin #2
10/14/08 - The Adventures of "Super" Dave Mustaine: Acheiving Origin #1
12/14/06 - Looking For The Man On The Street--So I Can Run Him Over
12/14/06 - Dreaming Of Lactation While The World Cries
12/14/06 - Everything's ARTGY!
12/14/06 - The Funk of Forty Thousand Years
12/14/06 - Imhotech, Inc. Making Useless Shit Out Of Mummies For Awhile
12/10/06 - Okeechobee--It's Okey-Dokey!
12/10/06 - Our Next Comic . . .Is A Family Comic.
12/10/06 - Flagstone, Deer Lick, And Us
12/10/06 - The Price Is Right: Your Last Chance At Redemption
12/10/06 - TRUCK NOT MUNKY
12/10/06 - And Now: LIES!
12/10/06 - Wherein I Try To Be "Edgy" & "Arty" And End Up "ARTGY!"
12/10/06 - Capt Gruntass: His Life, Love, And Lady Is The Sea. Maybe.
12/10/06 - Reference Humour: Comedy's OTHER White Meat.
12/10/06 - The Latter Day Christ-Luv Players In "Deadwood"
12/05/06 - Tell The Skipper To Go Get His Own Goddamn Coconuts
12/05/06 - Psychiatry--It's Pretty Much Bullshit
12/05/06 - General Tomorrow--A Soap Opera For People Who Hate People
12/05/06 - Comedy As Safe As Urinating In A Dark Blue Suit
12/05/06 - Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light & Otherwise
12/05/06 - "Wistfulness" is, like, the gayest word I know
12/05/06 - Suck On More "You Know What I Hate?"
12/05/06 - Fun With Ellipses. Also, Yelling.
12/05/06 - The Mildly Amusing Origin of Captain Gruntass
09/09/03 - Bizarro Romance Comics Now With 50% Less Romance
09/09/03 - Wiccan Hee Haw
09/09/03 - Tuesdays With Moron
09/09/03 - Rality Comics: Sammy Wizzleteats--a life
09/09/03 - Tender Moments With You
09/09/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Akira"
09/09/03 - Captain Gruntass in "The Old Man And The Sea"
07/18/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Titus Andronicus"
07/18/03 - Macadamia, Gazeebo, Bulbous Bouffant
07/17/03 - Captain Gruntass in "Depilatory Epilogue"
07/17/03 - Ship of Fools
07/17/03 - Exciting AND Brand New!
06/21/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Grease 2"
06/20/03 - Victorian Robot Pornography
06/20/03 - Truth, Behind the Curtain.
06/20/03 - Time Biscut Man, in "Fight The Power, Fuck The Power"
06/20/03 - The Seafaring Adventures of Captain Gruntass, Part 1
03/08/03 - Dumbo vs. Osama--Point and Counterpoint
03/08/03 - MOSSMAN! He came from MOSS.
03/08/03 - Real Tales Of Successful Deodorant Application
03/08/03 - Shaved Gorilla Pornography Even Grandpa Can Enjoy
03/08/03 - But You Used To LOVE Eating Beachballs For Dinner!
03/08/03 - The Dark Secrets of Fast Food Mascots
03/08/03 - Time Biscut Man in "My Big Fat Greek Muffins of Doom"
03/08/03 - War Is Not Healthy For Children and Dumb Boogerheads
03/08/03 - La Llama Es Un Quadruped
03/08/03 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players In "Fear and Loathing. . "
11/22/02 - The Kind of Pirate Comics That Make You Gay
11/22/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Waiting For Godot"
11/22/02 - Gaunereien is the the most raised form of flattery
11/22/02 - Law-execution-inadvertent exposure in your trousers
11/22/02 - Smackdown Your Mother
11/22/02 - The Secret Origin Of Time Biscut Man
11/22/02 - Understanding Stripcreator
11/22/02 - New Guns For Chuckles (The Musical)
11/22/02 - The Soothing Sound of a Sawblade Splitting Your Cranium
11/22/02 - Insane Cowboy (in Africa)
11/17/02 - City of Crime
11/17/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Noises Off"
11/17/02 - Message From The Main Moron
11/17/02 - Ich werde das Bloomberg aufpassen
11/17/02 - Domestic Dramamine
11/17/02 - Domestic Dramamine
11/17/02 - Pubic Surface Announcement
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 5. And I'm SURE
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 4, or maybe 5. Lost count.
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt 3
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics Pt2
08/11/02 - Crisis on Infinite Comics, Pt 1
08/11/02 - Conquest of "Y'know what I hate?"
08/11/02 - Joke Bankruptcy
08/11/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Billy Jack"
08/11/02 - No One Will Get This Fucking Joke
08/11/02 - That Building Looks Like Us
01/30/02 - Homo-cide: Life in Retreat
01/30/02 - Confession is good for the soul. . .of your shoe.
01/30/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Crumb"
01/30/02 - Beneath the conquest of the battle for planet of the clowns
01/30/02 - Squeedledeespooge
01/01/02 - Zen and the Art of Not a Goddamned Thing
01/01/02 - Die Job Clown Car Crisis
01/01/02 - Holidays. . .FROM HELL!
01/01/02 - Time Biscut Man in "Battle For The Planet Of The Anus"
01/01/02 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in "Blood Freak"
11/05/01 - Run. Run Like A Scalded Dog
10/26/01 - Basso Profundo Rosso
10/26/01 - TIME BISCUT MAN: Part 3 of 0 (of a 2 part series)
10/26/01 - The Ugly Beauty Of Truth
10/26/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in Pinter's "The Servant"
10/26/01 - Dreams Can Come True!
10/06/01 - Y'know What I Hate Part 2: Electric Boogalo
10/06/01 - The Comic Strip That Feels Good When You Pick At It
10/06/01 - Dead Dog In The Middle Of The Road
10/06/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players in Kafka's "Metamorphosis"
10/06/01 - Comics Just Like Mom Used To Make On A Tequlla Bender
10/04/01 - Y'know What I Hate?
10/04/01 - Cocky-Doodie
10/04/01 - Escape (The Crud Squeezed From The Bar Rag Comic)
10/04/01 - The Afterlife--Behind The Music
10/04/01 - War! HOOOOOAH! YEAH! What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nuttin'
10/04/01 - Time Biscut Man, Part 2
10/04/01 - Afterschool Sepulchre
10/04/01 - You Always KNEW Your Parents Did It . . .
10/04/01 - Thanks Shipwreck. . .now we KNOW
10/04/01 - Saturday In The Park., Think It Was The 4th of July
10/04/01 - Time Biscut Man 1: The Beginning
10/04/01 - The Comic Strip With The Not So Fresh Feeling
10/03/01 - Nancy Regan's Favorite Comic Strip 3 Years Running
10/03/01 - Do you sell gum?
10/03/01 - The Joy of Priorities.
10/03/01 - The Latter Day Christ Luv Players Present "Dawn of the Dead"
10/03/01 - Disco Fever presents . . ."KY and the Fisters"
10/03/01 - This Comic Smells Like Ass
10/03/01 - Uncle Billy's Voodoo Jerk Slather
10/03/01 - Fuckweasel Family Fun!
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